If you suspect you have this condition but do not know what psoriasis looks like and how to treat it, you should know more about this condition and see your dermatologist immediately.
What does psoriasis look like in the initial stages: symptoms, photos
Psoriasis is characterized by skin rashes at any stage. The disease manifests itself in different ways from the very beginning of its development. In some cases it begins actively, developing rapidly, in others small and slow manifestations. In any case, in the absence of medical care, the disease progresses and affects more and more areas of the skin.
The initial stage of the disease in the form of small rashes (papules) can make diagnosis difficult. Over time, the rash grows and merges into plaques covered with horny scales. It is very important to diagnose early psoriasis so that treatment can begin immediately. The result of treatment will be remission for a long time, in some cases 3-4 years.
Psoriasis is characterized by the following areas of skin:
- small on his back
- knees and elbows
- inguinal folds
- head
- tibiae
There are several forms of the disease, each with its own characteristics. Depending on exactly where and how the papules appear, it depends on what kind of psoriasis your dermatologist is diagnosing.

The rash is unhealthy in all cases, but the following symptoms are most likely associated with psoriasis:
- The spots are red, bulge slightly, and are covered with scales (dead cells) that peel off.
- Plaques appear anywhere, more often in the knee and elbow area. Sometimes they itch.
- The nails peel off and deform.
- On the foot, on the palm, painful blisters that can itch.
What are the forms of psoriasis?
The most common form is plaque psoriasis. It is also called common or vulgar. In all cases, they account for up to 90% of these forms of disease.
Psoriasis vulgaris is characterized by elevated red plaques with gray or white scales. Infected skin is inflamed, easily damaged, and bleeds when the scales peel off. Over time, plaques on the skin grow, merging into large areas because. called paraffin lakes.
Conversely, the psoriasis of the bending surfaces is referred to as smooth, slightly protruding red spots that barely peel. The localization of the spots is mainly in the skin folds: the groin and armpits, the external genitals, the folds under the abdomen and the mammary glands (with obesity).
Spread to other areas of the skin is minimal, but this form is difficult to treat due to the natural friction and sweating during movement. Inverse psoriasis, if left untreated, can be accompanied by streptococcal pyoderma or fungal diseases.
Guttate psoriasis is not a common complication after streptococcal infections. It is characterized by small, drop-shaped lesions. Another distinguishing feature of guttate psoriasis is the color of the psoriatic plaques, which ranges from red to purple. The affected area is extensive, most commonly the hips, and can occur in other areas of the skin.
One of the most severe forms is attributed to pustular psoriasis. Symptoms include blisters (pustules) with clear fluid. The skin beneath and around them is hot and inflamed. When the blisters become infected, the clear fluid fills with pus, peeling easily, but is difficult to handle. Location of the localization - leg and forearm.
Psoriatic onychodystrophy develops on the nails of the hands and feet. This shape leads to nail changes. They can change their color, dots or transverse lines appear. More severe forms are characterized by delamination or complete loss of the nail.
Psoriatic arthritis accounts for only 10% of cases. This shape affects the joints and connective tissues. It mainly affects the fingers. In some cases, psoriasis can affect the hip, knee and spine joints. This leads to psoriatic spondylitis. In severe forms of psoriasis spondylitis, the patient is unable to move independently.
Erythroderma psoriasis is characterized by large areas of inflammation and may be associated with exacerbation of psoriasis vulgaris. Extensive inflammation can be fatal as the natural thermoregulatory ability is lost.
Development of psoriasis
Psoriasis can affect different parts of the body with different symptoms. Let's look at different cases.

It appears on the scalp, behind the ears. In these places, the papules may be itchy, cracked, or damp.
On the body
The nature and intensity of plaques on the body depend on the form of psoriasis. Initial psoriasis manifests itself in different ways in the body: from single rashes to large areas.
On the hands
Plaques first appear on the elbows, forearms, and then spread to the palms and fingers.
On foot
The first manifestations begin on the knees or legs and pass through other areas.
On the elbows and knees
Psoriasis appears as a red, scaly rash in these areas, and the skin is rough in these areas.
On the palm
Plaques form in these places when other areas are infected. It is dangerous that psoriatic arthritis can develop if left untreated.
On the face
It is rare in this area. It affects the area of the nasolabial folds, the area of the eyes, the face. Sometimes it spreads to the mucous membranes of the tongue, to the face.
On the nails
It can be confused in appearance with mushrooms, dots, grooves and ends in complete exfoliation.
Development of psoriasis in children
The childhood version of the disease, especially in infants, is symptomatic and can often be confused with diaper rash or diaper dermatitis. This is followed by exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin at the site of redness, which is accompanied by severe itching. It is extremely important not to bring the disease to this stage as it will cause discomfort to the babies.
It can also be expressed on the head of psoriasis in children, in such cases the bark is characterized when they peel off, leaving small wounds. In any case, you should not treat your child alone just because you know what psoriasis looks like to avoid the complications of the disease.

Causes of psoriasis
Psoriasis is not contagious, and scientists have identified several causes for its occurrence. In addition, psoriasis has been shown to occur in childhood, up to the age of 10, for genetic reasons, e. g. there were relatives in the family with a similar illness. Subsequent cases are related to other reasons.
If we combine all the factors that cause psoriasis, the following may be responsible for its manifestation:
- alcohol abuse
- genetic inheritance
- excessive hygiene
- dry wine
- tension
- take medicine
- staphylococcus and fungal infections
Treatment in the initial stage
If you have been diagnosed with psoriasis, be sure to follow a diet and start treatment as soon as possible because initial psoriasis can be cured more easily and quickly. Until the psoriasis plaques start to grow, your dermatologist will most likely recommend an external treatment with the following ointments:
- Oil-free ointment. Prescribed in the initial stages and recovery. Relieves inflammation and relieves itching.
- Sulfur tar ointment. Anti-inflammatory, only suitable for "dry" forms of psoriasis. The ointment should not be applied to the face.
- Salicylic ointment. It contains salicylic acid, which makes the scales soft and easy to remove.
In addition to ointments, the treatment consists of physiotherapy procedures (electro-therapy, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet radiation, etc. ), medication, vitamin complexes. The entire complex is designed for progressive and severe cases.
Medicines are only prescribed after the test and usually contain a certain group of medicines:
- antihistamines,
- diuretics,
- immunomodulators,
- immunosuppressants,
- antidepressants,
- NSAIDs (a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs),
- enterosorbents,
- vitamin complexes.

Folk remedies
Traditional treatment, especially in the initial stages, can be combined with traditional treatment recipes. One such recipe suggests the use of celandine juice. Spots should be smeared with fresh juice throughout the summer, and by the end of the summer, the size of the plaques will be significantly reduced. If you perform the procedures one after the other for three summers, the spots will disappear forever.
For early psoriasis, the following recipe is suitable - ointment from beaten eggs. Preparation is easy: 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, beat well and add 0, 5 tablespoons. l. acetic acid. This mixture can be stored, but only in a closed container and in a dark place. Use as follows: Lubricate the areas affected by psoriasis at night, daily.
You can also make a fat-based ointment that helps a lot in treating psoriasis. Take 300 g of fat, 2 chicken yolks and 100 g of linden honey. Use it within two weeks. To smear sore spots three times a day, leave on for 2 hours and then rinse. After two weeks, prepare another dose by adding 2 tablespoons. l. celandine por. This composition was designed for an hour.
In addition to ointments for psoriasis, therapeutic baths with the addition of sea salt or nuts, for example, can also be used. It is useful to take such a bath not only in the early stages but also during the worsening of the disease. For a bath, prepare about 400 g of leaves or husks, pour boiling water over it, let it stand for 10 minutes, then filter. The filtered solution is intended for a therapeutic bath and should be taken within half an hour.
How to prevent psoriasis
It is known why plaque psoriasis appears, but it is not entirely clear why it takes certain forms. The disease can occur at the level of stress, immune system failures, past infections, or genetics.
To protect yourself from relapse, you need to give up bad habits. In addition, doctors advise to hydrate dry skin well and avoid burns, hypothermia, and skin damage where possible. In addition, caution should be exercised when taking antibiotics, vaccines, and beta-blockers, as they may worsen.
Avoiding infections, living a healthy lifestyle, avoiding overwork, avoiding stressful situations and worries - these measures also help prevent psoriasis to some extent.
Psoriasis is a disease that requires treatment, but can be confused with a similar skin condition. That is why you should not make a diagnosis based on a photo and, even more so, prescribe treatment without the necessary knowledge.