Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the epidermis. The pathology is not contagious as it is not caused by infectious causes but by an autoimmune disorder. The disease is characterized by excessive division of skin cells, leading to the formation of dense plaques. Inflammation affects any part of the body. Scalp psoriasis is a fairly common form of the disease. The specificity of the localization of head rashes is the complexity of the treatment. This form of psoriasis often becomes the cause of complex formation and dissatisfaction with oneself as it is seen by others. The elements of the rash do not look aesthetically pleasing and require timely treatment.
Causes of the disease
Scalp psoriasis develops for the same reasons as skin lesions on the body. Factors that encourage the appearance of plaques on the skin may include:
- tension;
- seborrhea;
- prolonged solar radiation;
- allergic reaction;
- skin damage;
- decreased immunity.

Stress exacerbates many diseases, including psoriasis.
Regardless of the causes of the first episode of the disease, psoriasis is always associated with excessive division of epidermal cells, which explains the appearance of the elements of the rash. This is caused by the body’s autoimmune reaction, which triggers an immune attack against skin cells.
The disease is characterized by a undulating course with periods of exacerbation and remission. Physicians often refer to pathology as a psychosomatic disorder because the exacerbation of psoriasis is directly related to the patient’s psychoemic condition.
Stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, lack of vitamins in the body can cause extreme exacerbation and the appearance of new elements of the rash.
Despite the repulsive appearance of the rash, psoriasis is not contagious at all as it is the result of internal disorders but not infections or viruses.
Although doctors have not yet identified the exact cause of the disease, most tend to believe that psoriasis is the result of systemic abnormalities in the body caused by hormonal imbalances, nervous system instability, and metabolic processes, malnutrition, and cold climates. .
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The head begins with the appearance of dense lumps of psoriasis that are invisible to the outside. Over time, the nodes unite with each other to form islands. Around the set of rash elements, the skin swells and inflames, dry crusts and peeling areas may appear.
Over time, the lumps become dense and flat, peeling on their surface begins with the formation of large scales, resembling dandruff in shape and structure.
Scalp psoriasis is most commonly located in the temporal region, behind the ear, around the neck, and along the hairline. Peeling and plaque often form along the parting.
The disease can manifest at any age. Most often, the first episode of psoriasis occurs either at puberty and before the age of 20, or over the age of 35.
Scalp psoriasis is classified according to the severity of the symptoms. The mild form of the disease is characterized by the formation of isolated foci of inflammation and moderate embezzlement. Rashes of this form are inconspicuous and respond well to medication.
In the case of severe psoriasis, the head, whose photograph allows the severity of symptoms to be assessed, is characterized by the entire head, the hair growth zone, and the back of the nape of the neck. The elements of the rash are large, the scales are very large and visible to the naked eye.

The scalp psoriasis affects both the scalp and the skin.
Timely diagnosis plays an important role in scalp psoriasis. The diagnosis is made by an experienced dermatologist during the patient's external examination. The difficulty lies in the fact that many patients do not go to the doctor, do not know what psoriasis looks like on the scalp, and confuse it with bran. It is important to note that psoriasis in the initial stage of the head responds quite well to treatment, however, a lack of timely therapy inevitably leads to disease progression and damage to more and more areas of the skin.
If you find the first symptoms of scalp damage, see a doctor because treatment should be comprehensive and timely when diagnosing psoriasis.
Stages of the disease
Regardless of the location of the rash, psoriasis of the scalp and body skin always progresses in several stages. The first stage is exacerbation of the disease. During this period, new papules form on the skin, and excessive division of epidermal cells is observed. The papules combine into large lesions, which then turn into plaques, which in turn begin to peel. The duration of exacerbation depends on many factors and can take up to several months. During this period, elements of the rash cover the scalp, the epidermis around the ear, and the neck, and may descend to the back. Psoriasis of the scalp is often accompanied by focal changes in the skin of the body.
The second stage of the disease is stationary. During this period, the progression of the disease stops, the number of elements of the rash does not change, the disease does not spread to healthy areas of the skin. In the stationary phase, literally nothing happens - the size of the plaques does not increase, nor does it decrease. The exfoliation is unchanged, the epidermis appears dense and inflamed. This phase can also take months.
The next stage is to alleviate the disease. During this period, the inflammatory process stops, the exfoliation stops as the epidermal cells stop dividing. Plaques gradually become softer, shrink in size, and then disappear completely. With proper skin care, there is no sign of recovery from the disease, but areas with damaged pigmentation most often form at the site of plaques.
Then comes remission, during which the skin appears completely healthy. The duration of remission depends on the patient's lifestyle and general health. It doesn’t last forever because psoriasis doesn’t go away, it only temporarily decreases. The next exacerbation may occur after a few months or years due to stress, climate change, or decreased immunity. With the next exacerbation, the psoriasis progresses again in several stages, starting with the appearance of new papules, ending with the reduction of plaque size, and complete recovery of the skin.

In its mild form, psoriasis can be easily confused with bran.
Diagnosis of the disease
Psoriasis of the head may occur in both adults and children, as pediatric psoriasis is not uncommon. It is important to detect the onset of the pathological process in time and see a dermatologist.
The scraping method is used to diagnose the disease. The affected epithelium responds with a number of specific signals to local lesions that are unique to psoriasis.
When scraping, the balance falls with a dandruff without causing pain, itching or discomfort. As a result of prolonged exposure and cleaning of plaque from keratinized particles, there is a thin layer of skin under the balance. It is inflamed, bright pink in color and shines like a stain of stearin. If this film is damaged, tiny droplets of blood will appear on the surface of the plaque, indicating that the capillaries are too close to under the skin.
This reaction of the epidermis is known as a "psoriatic triad" and is a unique symptom of this disease that allows accurate diagnosis without laboratory tests.
Principle of treatment
A dermatologist will consult you in detail about treating psoriasis on your head. The fact that everyone’s illness manifests itself in their own way, therefore, there is no universal treatment regimen that would suit all patients without exception.
The goal of psoriasis therapy is to stop the progression of the disease, improve the appearance of the skin, and achieve lasting remission. As the practice of doctors shows, a properly chosen treatment regimen allows you to forget about the disease for up to several years.
An integrated approach to the treatment of psoriasis is used, which includes:
- use of hormonal ointments to relieve inflammation;
- use of non-hormonal drugs to relieve symptoms;
- physiotherapy to accelerate skin recovery;
- dietary changes and bath procedures.
The treatment is based on drugs for external use, which are applied to foci of inflammation. In some cases, treatment is supplemented by taking psoriasis tablets on the head, with preference given to immunostimulatory drugs and vitamin drugs.

It is impossible to cure psoriasis, but it is entirely possible to get rid of its manifestations for a long time
Conservative therapy
Traditionally, dermatologists prescribe two types of skin treatments - non-hormonal ointments and glucocorticoid preparations.
Glucocorticoid ointments are used in short courses during the stage of disease exacerbation. They help stop inflammation and reduce the rate at which the disease progresses, allowing exacerbation to be stopped quickly. However, these drugs are not safe. They penetrate the general bloodstream and have a systemic effect on the body, causing disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands. Hormonal ointments are only selected by a dermatologist. Many doctors today are moving away from the use of glucocorticoid drugs in the treatment of psoriasis, noting their short-term effects.
The main lines in the fight against the disease are physiotherapy, non-hormonal ointments and lifestyle changes.
Non-hormonal drugs can be divided into several groups:
- naphthalene and solidol preparations;
- tar ointments;
- sulfur preparations;
- zinc-based creams.
Such ointments have keratolytic properties, i. e. they contribute to the exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis. All ointments do not have a systemic effect on the body and have a greasy base, which quickly softens the plaque.
Ointment based on birch and coal tar is recommended for patients with oily scalp. Such funds stop the inflammatory process and increase local immunity, preventing further cell division in the affected area.
Ointments made with naphthalene and solid oil are used for very dry plaques with a large number of removable scales. Their main goal is to prevent the pathological process from spreading to healthy skin. They effectively soften the affected areas and improve the overall appearance of the epidermis while providing an anti-inflammatory effect.
Zinc preparations exfoliate the skin and protect against secondary infections. It is used for any form of psoriasis of the scalp as it acts quickly and gently. Sulfur tar ointment, sulfur and zinc ointment - these drugs are suitable for most patients and quickly have a pronounced therapeutic effect.
The advantage of non-hormonal drugs is their natural composition, the absence of contraindications and side effects. Such drugs can even be used to treat young children as they do not have a systemic effect on the body.

The advantage of natural ointments is harmlessness
The course of treatment is an average of 20 days, and the ointment is applied up to three times a day. The disadvantage of treating the scalp with ointments is the disordered appearance of the hair, as all medications are greasy and quickly discolor the hair. Alternatively, special therapeutic shampoos may be mentioned, however, in practice, the best therapeutic effect is achieved by the simultaneous use of shampoos and ointments.
General therapy
General reinforcing therapy plays an important role in the home treatment of psoriasis. Dermatologists say it is not enough to take psoriasis ointment on the head, measures should be taken to strengthen the whole body.
Complex therapy includes:
- sedatives;
- antidepressants and sedatives;
- immunostimulants;
- vitamins;
- tonics;
- cytostatics;
- retinoids;
- antihistamines.
Because exacerbation of psoriasis is always associated with stress and nervous system disruption, sedatives and sedatives play an important role. The goal of such therapy is to minimize the destructive effects of stress, improve sleep, restore normal nervous system function, and normalize mood. Sedatives include alcoholic tinctures of drugs, valerian, peony and uterus. Medications are available without a prescription and are mild medications that can help normalize sleep and relieve stress. For depression, neurosis, and other mental disorders underlying psoriasis, you should consult a neurologist about prescribing strong medications such as sedatives and antidepressants.
In addition, vitamins are prescribed (groups A, C, E, B). Their purpose is to normalize the activity of the nervous system, have an antioxidant effect, accelerate skin regeneration and normalize immunity. The antioxidants in the composition help to remove toxins from the body, restore skin regeneration and protect cells from negative effects.

Vitamins are essential for treatment.
Immunostimulants should be used, but only as directed by your doctor. Self-administration of such drugs can negatively affect health and exacerbate the course of the disease.
Cytostatics and retinoids stop the excessive division of epidermal cells, acting from within. Due to the high contraindications and side effects, such drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist after a comprehensive examination.
Shampoos for psoriasis
Although the first line of treatment consists of ointments for psoriasis on the head, special shampoos are necessarily used. They help both cure psoriasis of the scalp and gently cleanse the epidermis without overdrying.
You can use hypoallergenic baby shampoos to gently cleanse your scalp.
Shampoos can be used up to three times a week. The process of treatment is 30-40 days and depends on the form of the disease. Apply the shampoo to damp hair, lather and rinse immediately - this is necessary to cleanse the scalp of accumulated skin flakes. The product is then reapplied, foamed with massaging motions and left for five minutes, after which the medicine should be washed off. Thus, the shampoo cleanses the skin and has a therapeutic effect at the same time.
Frequent hair washing is required between medicated shampoos, which appear messy due to the use of oily ointments. For the daily shampooing of psoriasis, it is recommended to use baby shampoos with herbs in the composition - chamomile, calendula, sage. Preference should be given to products intended for children from the first days of life, as the composition of such shampoos is the most natural and safest.
Physiotherapy for psoriasis
Physiotherapy helps increase the effectiveness of medication. With psoriasis of the scalp, darsonvalization and PUVA therapy are considered to be the most effective and safest methods.
The first method is based on exposure to low frequency currents. The procedure is performed using a special device with a comb-shaped electrode. Within 10 minutes, simply comb your hair with the supplied preparation. This effect improves metabolic processes and accelerates skin regeneration. The course of treatment usually consists of 25 procedures.
One of the most popular treatments for psoriasis is PUVA therapy. This is a form of ultraviolet radiation. This results in improved skin trophism, increased local immunity, and stimulation of regeneration. The duration of treatment also consists of 20-25 procedures.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine knows how to get rid of psoriasis of the head as soon as possible, but dermatologists warn that such treatments can only be used in conjunction with medication and physiotherapy.

Folk remedies complement but do not replace traditional treatment.
Traditional treatments for psoriasis of the scalp are based on making rinses and masks from natural ingredients. Below are the most effective recipes.
- Yellow sea buckthorn oil mask improves metabolic processes and accelerates healing. Such a cure can only be used during the plaque healing phase, as sea buckthorn oil significantly accelerates this process. Another unique property of the oil is the prevention of pigmentation disorders in the area of skin lesions. To make the mask, heat the oil slightly to a comfortable temperature, mix it with a yolk and a spoonful of honey, and apply on the scalp for 40 minutes.
- Another effective and safe cure is a blue or green clay mask. The clay is rich in valuable micro- and macroelements, improves metabolic processes, saturates skin cells with useful substances and accelerates healing. To make the mask, pour the clay with warm water, mix and apply on the skin for half an hour under a plastic cap.
- Turn 4 tablespoons of fresh celandine in a meat grinder, squeeze the cheese. Mix the resulting juice with half a glass of red wine and place it on the plaques with a cotton ball for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. Fresh onion juice can be used in the same way.
- Pour 150 ml of medical alcohol into two large spoons of dried celandine flowers, pour into a covered glass container and leave for ten days. The drug is then used to treat plaque. Wash off 10 minutes after application. If you overexpose the celandine tincture, you can burn your skin.
Such folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis on the head help to accelerate. Concomitant treatment with drugs, folk and tonics shows good results.
Lifestyle and prognosis
If you have psoriasis, you need to rethink your lifestyle and change your diet. Consumption of allergenic foods should be minimized, fast food, smoked and fatty foods should be given up. It is important to avoid stress, normalize sleep and work schedule. For psoriasis, spa treatment and climate change are recommended. Mud baths and mineral salts help to improve the condition of the skin.
The prognosis depends on the form of the disease and the methods of treatment. It is impossible to get rid of psoriasis completely, but properly chosen therapy will allow you to achieve long-term remission.
Preventive measures include strengthening the nervous system and immunity, overcoming stress in a timely manner, and living a healthy lifestyle.